

Is it , am I being delusional..I asked myself , that moment where you need to step back as a fan and revaluate if you are now not being too heavily emotionally invested in someone that you start to analyse everything and it ends up being toxic ....I didnt want that .I respect Barbs and Maca and love them so much I didnt want to say anything out of turn .I however learnt I wasnt alone having trouble figuring out what was happening to the 2,...They nolonger seemed to spent time together !!! I would see barbs with her girl squad ,worse Maca with Ivana Maria who I really appreciate by the way ...but I would wonder why cant they meet even juss for coffee...One day I got so infuriated seeing Maca licking ivana face and I was like okay so wheres Barbs being honest. I first had to remind myself that there is Real life , Tv life ,And Showbiz life where its for publicity. I then thought had I been fooled by the media paddling this image and painting in my head this best friend soulmate type of relationship ,was it real ...The honest truth is It is real my spirit testified inside me and anyone with questions to whether the friendship is real ...should go back and re-evaluate it is real... So if its real what the hell is going on...why cant they meet even to thank the fandom for the Etv win .I then got heartbroken ..depressed really like damn man ! .lwhy does it have to be hide and seek.Real friends meet despite media and all , I then thought maybe the directors instructed them to chill broadcasting their meetings to build anticipation ....I thought maybe they meet but do not want to create an image for the Mexican media who would run off tangent with it saying they are gay or something so they only meet in private ...I thought maybe Barbs is taking time out and is holding back from.meeting Barbs .... Literally I got crazyvand crazier by each question but now I was restless ..... I thought let me go on the Juliantina Thread and ask .....hahahaha that was the last time I will do so I got an online thrashing to say the least which was cool .It made me realise 3 things that the fandom assumed everyone is gay in the fandom ,as I was assumed to be wanting to create gay drama whereas some fans like me love these 2 irregardless of sexuality me the love they potrayed on screen and offscreen was beyond sexuality it was now bigger a living force of putting 2humans together who end up adoring each other despite what the world would teach them in the real world to compete and be self seeking .They potrayed the genuineness of a rare commodity in the world true friendship&love and to me thats what was important , 2ndly It made me realise that the fandom we loved Maca and Barb to an extend we would guard their reputation with everything we had...that was beautiful😄 and last I realised an important thing ....the depth of emotional investment the fandom had on these 2 was deeper than people perceive, It was like I had disrespected Mother Mary , I realised noone wanted to think the two werent as they potrayed or the chemistry between them was fading or noone wanted any info that would distort this grand image of the two that was in their minds cause the truth is their hearts would not take it I let it be ...(go to part3)